Ghulam Rasool Mashori
University of Medical & Health Sciences for Women, Pakistan
Ghulam Rasool Mashori is currently working as a Professor and Director in Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences for Women, Pakistan. He has completed his PhD from the Faculty of Medicine, University Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1994. He holds number of experiences in the area of quality control and research at NIH, Islamabad, Pakistan and also worked as Deputy D.G. (Pharmacolvigilance) in Drugs Control Organization, Ministry of Health. He has been the Director, Central Drugs Laboratory, Ministry of Health Government of Pakistan. He has been teaching/supervising MPhil and PhD fellows in Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, Karachi, Pakistan. He has been keenly involved in research work and is playing supervisory role at MPhil and PhD levels. He holds managerial and administrative experiences with very reputed organizations. He has also worked as the Director of National Institute of Management (NIPA). He has published more than 30 research papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of reputed journals.
Abstract : Lisinopril an ACE inhibitor and its effect on insulin release