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About Conference

Conference Series llc LTD invites all the participants from all over the world to attend the 30th International  Conference on Neurology and Neurodisorders (Neurodisorders Congress 2023) which will held during November 06-07, 2023 at Toronto, Canada. The main theme of our conference is "Exploring Novel Technologies in Neurology and Neurological Disorders" which will cover wide range of critically important sessions.

Neurodisorders congress 2023 mainly focuses on spreading the awareness about challenges in this field and how to prevent Neurological diseases. We organizes a Conference Series llc LTD of 1000+ Global Events inclusive of 300+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USAEurope & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates in neurology are hallmarks of this conference.


Benefits of Participation:

  • CME /CPD certificate along with speaker / poster certificates
  • Best speaker / poster Award
  • Workshop and special session
  • Chance to chair / co-chair the general session
  • Hotel accommodation up to 3 nights
  • Symposium and poster presentation
  • Lunch and refreshments during the conference
  • Unique profile page for speakers in our websites having 1 billion page view


Who should attend?


Conference Highlights:

  • Gathering of World famous Neurologists and Researchers
  • Discussion of advanced technologies used in the prevention of the Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • New drugs designed to get cure from Neurodisorders


Sessions & Tracks

Track 1Neurons and Neurology

Building block of nervous system which carries the electrical impulses is called as neurons or nerve cell. These are specialized to carry the message throw electrochemical process. It consists of dendrites, axon, nodes of Ranvier, myelin sheath etc.  It helps in the transmission of the information throughout the body. Two types of neurons are found sensory neuron and motor neuron .The branch of biology which deals with the study of disorders of nervous system is called as neurology. Nervous system involves CNS, ANS, and PNS. CNS involves spinal cord and brain. It also includes neurophysiology.


Track 2Neural Coding

Neural coding means the concentration, identification, pleasurable and unpleasurable value of tastans which are represented in the form of action potential. It is of two types encoding and decoding.  The map from stimuli to response is called as encoding whereas response to stimuli is called as decoding. It implies the connection between the response and the stimuli.  It is of different types such as correlation coding, population coding, position coding etc.


Track 3CNS

The central nervous system (CNS) is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and the optic nerves. The central nervous system controls thought processes, guides movement, and registers   sensations throughout the body.

Fast facts on the central nervous system

 The brain is the most complex organ in the body and uses 20% of the total oxygen we breathe   in.

 The CNS is often divided into white and gray matter.

 The brain consists of an estimated 100 billion neurons, with each connected to thousands more.

 CNS support cells, called glial cells, outnumber neurons 10 to 1.

 The brain can be divided into four lobes: temporal, parietal, occipital and frontal.

 Circuits within the spinal cord are capable of controlling motor coordination without input from  the brain.

  The brain makes up around 2% of a human's entire weight.


Track 4Neuro-oncology

Neuro-oncology is the study of brain and spinal cord neoplasms, many of which are dangerous and life threatening. The global incidence of brain tumour is higher than 45/100,000 patients a year. According to National brain tumour society, there are about 120 types of brain tumour. The widely known type of brain tumour is glioma that originates from glial tissues. Meningioma is the most common type of spinal cord tumour which originates from CNS. The treatment given for neurological tumours is based upon the type of tumour, position in the spine and the age of the patient.


Track 5Pediatric Neurology

The branch of nervous system which deals with the study of the cure, diagnosis, or mitigation of the children or kids called as pediatric neurology. It involves pediatric neurosurgery, pediatric neuropathy, pediatric neuroimaging etc.


Track 6Psychiatry and Mental Health

Psychiatry is the medicinal forte that judgments and treats mental clutters, for the most part those requiring drug. Psychiatry is currently a very obvious movement in which absence of care in group, impulse, suicide, medication and liquor manhandle are couple of inspirations. Beginning with the recognizable proof of the major dysfunctional behaviors and how they are considered refinement from typicality. Prospering analysis and its later change into more available psychotherapies gave a possibility for better understanding. Current psychiatry too carries with it new debates, for example, the medicalization of ordinary life, and the energy of the medication organizations and the utilization of psychiatry as a specialist of social control.

Mental health is a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of mental illness. It is the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment. Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how "mental health" is defined.

Track 7Stroke

A stroke is a "brain attack". It can happen to anyone at any time. It occurs when blood flow to an area of brain is cut off. When this happens, brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die. When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain such as memory and muscle control are lost.

How a person is affected by their stroke depends on where the stroke occurs in the brain and how much the brain is damaged. For example, someone who had a small stroke may only have minor problems such as temporary weakness of an arm or leg. People who have larger strokes may be permanently paralyzed on one side of their body or lose their ability to speak. Some people recover completely from strokes, but more than 2/3 of survivors will have some type of disability.


Track 8Parkinson's Disease

 It is the most widely recognized neurodegenerative issue. It is described by dynamic loss of muscle control, which prompts trembling of appendages and head while very still time firmness, gradualness and weakened adjust is seen. Later on rearranging stride is watched. Indications incorporate uneasiness, dejection and dementia. It is caused by an absence of dopamine. It is likewise called as hypokinetic unbending disorder, loss of motion gaits. In many people, Parkinson's ailment is idiopathic.


Track 9Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Dementia is a broad description which includes many different symptoms, including memory loss, word-finding difficulties, impaired judgment, and problems with day-to-day activities, which are caused by injury or loss of brain cells (neurons). Mild Cognitive Impairment is an inter mediate stage between the normal and serious decline of dementia. Problems arise in thinking, language, judgment etc.


Track 10Geriatric Neurology

Geriatric neurology  is the branch of medicine that studies neurologic disorders in elderly. The subspecialty of Geriatric neurology is defined by its expertise in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of neurological conditions that affect elderly and by its unique body of knowledge regarding the aging nervous system, its vulnerability to specific neurological disorders, and its influence on the prevalence and expression of neurological disease. Neurologists are called with increasing frequency to provide care for older adults. As the number of elderly in the population increases, there will be a concomitant increase in the prevalence of acute and chronic neurological disorders associated with advancing age.


Track 11:Neurosurgery

Neurosurgery or neurological surgery is the medical specialty focused on the prevention, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of disorders which affect any part of the nervous system such as brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and extra-cranial cerebrovascular system. They helps in the diagnosis of intra cerebral hemorrhage.


Track 12:Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis  (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system).

In MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body. Eventually, the disease can cause the nerves themselves to deteriorate or become permanently damaged.

Signs and symptoms of MS vary widely and depend on the amount of nerve damage and which nerves are affected. Some people with severe MS may lose the ability to walk independently or at all, while others may experience long periods of remission without any new symptoms.

There's no cure for multiple sclerosis. However, treatments can help speed recovery from attacks, modify the course of the disease and manage symptoms.

Numbness or weakness in one or more limbs that typically occurs on one side of your body at a time, or the legs and trunk

Partial or complete loss of vision, usually in one eye at a time, often with pain during eye movement

Prolonged double vision

Tingling or pain in parts of your body

Electric-shock sensations that occur with certain neck movements, especially bending the neck forward (Lhermitte sign)

Tremor, lack of coordination or unsteady gait

Slurred speech



Problems with bowel and bladder function

Track 13:Trigeminal neuralgia

 is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from your face to your brain. If you have trigeminal neuralgia, even mild stimulation of your face — such as from brushing your teeth or putting on makeup — may trigger a jolt of excruciating pain.


       Illustration showing branches of the trigeminal nerve

       Branches of the trigeminal nerve

       Trigeminal neuralgia symptoms may include one or more of these patterns:

       Episodes of severe, shooting or jabbing pain that may feel like an electric shock

       Pain affecting one side of the face at a time, though may rarely affect both sides of   the face


Track 14Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome (TS) is an inherited disorder of the nervous system, characterized by a variable expression of unwanted movements and noises (tics).


The cause of Tourette syndrome is unknown, although some studies suggest that the tics in Tourette syndrome are caused by an increased amount of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. A neurotransmitter is a chemical found in the brain that helps to transmit information from one brain cell to another. Other studies suggest that the defect in Tourette syndrome involves another neurotransmitter called serotonin; or involves other chemicals required for normal functioning of the brain.

Most studies suggest that Tourette syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder with decreased penetrance, although this hypothesis has not been proven and may not be true in all families. An autosomal dominant disorder results from a change in one copy of a pair of genes. Individuals with an autosomal dominant disorder have a 50% chance of passing on the changed gene to their children. Decreased penetrance means that not all people who inherit the changed gene will develop symptoms. There is some evidence that females who inherit the Tourette syndrome gene have a 70% chance of exhibiting symptoms and males have a 99% chance of having symptoms. It has been suggested that other genetic and environmental factors may play a role in the development of symptoms in people who inherit the changed gene, but none have been discovered. Some researchers believe that Tourette syndrome has different causes in different individuals or is caused by changes in more than one gene, although these theories are less substantiated. Further research is needed to establish the cause of Tourette syndrome.


Track 15Neuro Pharmacology and Neuro Toxicology

To study the effect of drugs on the cellular function in nervous system is called as Neuropharmacology. It is of two types such as; Behavioral neuropharmacology and Molecular neuropharmacology. It explains the drug dependence and addiction effect of brain. The science dealing with the study of the effects of the poisons on the nervous system is called as Neuro toxicology. It happens when nervous system gets affected by the neurotoxins.  It occurs due to the exposure of the chemotherapy, radiation treatment, drug abuse, pesticides etc.


Track 16Molecular , Clinical and Behavioral Neuroscience

Molecular neuroscience is a branch of neuroscience that watches ideas in sub-atomic science connected to the sensory systems of creatures. The extent of this subject spreads points, for example, sub-atomic neuroanatomical, instruments of sub-atomic motioning in the sensory system, the impacts of hereditary qualities and epigenetics on neuronal advancement, and the sub-atomic reason for neuroplasticity and neurodegenerative diseases. Cellular neuroscience involves cell morphology and physiological properties of nervous system.  Also involves the neurotransmission process. To study the effect of biological processes on behaviors, feelings and thought of a person called as biopsychology or Behavioral Neuroscience . It can be also called as physiological psychology, behavioral neuroscience etc. Psychology along with the biological science explains the term biopsychology. It explores the knowledge in neurobiology.


Track 17Neuromuscular Disorders ,Spinal disorders and Peripheral Neuropathies

Neuromuscular disorders are conditions that affect skeletal muscles, peripheral nerves or neuromuscular junction. Our program treats all forms of neuromuscular disorders, including: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)  , Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) , Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).

The spinal disorders are the results of infection, injuries, tumors, Ankylosing spondylitis, scoliosis, spinal stenosis and herniated disks .When the structure of bone changes then it causes pain due to the pressure on the spinal cord and the nervous system. These disorders can be diagnosed by computed tomography, discography, electromyography, MRI ETC.  It causes the skeletal hyperostosis, fracture of thoracic and lumbar spine etc.


Track 18Child  trauma

Children who suffer from child traumatic stress are those who have been exposed to one or more traumas over the course of their lives and develop reactions that persist and affect their daily lives after the events have ended. Traumatic reactions can include a variety of responses, such as intense and ongoing emotional upset, depressive symptoms or anxiety, behavioral changes, difficulties with self-regulation, problems relating to others or forming attachments, regression or loss of previously acquired skills, attention and academic difficulties, nightmares, difficulty sleeping and eating, and physical symptoms, such as aches and pains. Older children may use drugs or alcohol, behave in risky ways, or engage in unhealthy sexual activity.

Without treatment, repeated childhood exposure to traumatic events can affect the brain and nervous system and increase health-risk behaviors (e.g., smoking, eating disorders, substance use, and high-risk activities). Research shows that child trauma survivors can be more likely to have long-term health problems (e.g., diabetes and heart disease) or to die at an earlier age. Traumatic stress can also lead to increased use of health and mental health services and increased involvement with the child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Adult survivors of traumatic events may also have difficulty in establishing fulfilling relationships and maintaining employment.


Track 19Migraine Headache

A migraine is a common neurological disease that causes a variety of symptoms, most notably a throbbing, pulsing headache on one side of your head. Your migraine will likely get worse with physical activity, lights, sounds or smells. It may last at least four hours or even days.

There are several types of migraines, and the same type may go by different names:

  • Migraine with aura (complicated migraine): Around 15% to 20% of people with migraine headaches experience an aura.
  • Migraine without aura (common migraine): This type of migraine headache strikes without the warning an aura may give you. The symptoms are the same, but that phase doesn’t happen.
  • Migraine without head pain: “Silent migraine” or “acephalgic migraine,” as this type is also known as, includes the aura symptom but not the headache that typically follows.
  • Hemiplegic migraine: You'll have temporary paralysis (hemiplegia) or neurological or sensory changes on one side of your body. The onset of the headache may be associated with temporary numbness, extreme weakness on one side of your body, a tingling sensation, a loss of sensation and dizziness or vision changes. Sometimes it includes head pain and sometimes it doesn’t.
  • Retinal migraine (ocular migraine): You may notice temporary, partial or complete loss of vision in one of your eyes, along with a dull ache behind the eye that may spread to the rest of your head. That vision loss may last a minute, or as long as months. You should always report a retinal migraine to a healthcare provider because it could be a sign of a more serious issue.
  • Chronic migraine: A chronic migraine is when a migraine occurs at least 15 days per month. The symptoms may change frequently, and so may the severity of the pain. Those who get chronic migraines might be using headache pain medications more than 10 to 15 days a month and that, unfortunately, can lead to headaches that happen even more frequently.
  • Migraine with brainstem aura. With this migraine, you'll have vertigo, slurred speech, double vision or loss of balance, which occur before the headache. The headache pain may affect the back of your head. These symptoms usually occur suddenly and can be associated with the inability to speak properly, ringing in the ears and vomiting.
  • Status migrainosus. This is a rare and severe type of migraine that can last longer than 72 hours. The headache pain and nausea can be extremely bad. Certain medications, or medication withdrawal, can cause you to have this type of migraine.


Track 20Case Report

A case report is a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Case reports can also play a relevant role in medical education, providing a structure for case-based learning and may also have a role to play in guiding the personalization of treatments in clinical practice. This session includes detailed study of Neuroscience case reports based on diagnosis, therapy, medication and research.

The case report includes-Diagnostic case reports, Therapy based case reports, Medication based case reports, and Research based case reports. 


Market Analysis

The largest and least-explored market in the medical industry is represented by the market analysis of Neurology 2023. This evaluated market study is based on statistical trends, product promotion, and the likelihood of product endorsement and sales in late stages of development. Once more, the emerging market contributes to increased sales. CNS treatments accounts for around 25% of all pharmaceutical transactions, or $30 billion globally. Anxiety disorders, depression, and schizophrenia are estimated to cost $47 billion, $44 billion, and $33 billion annually, respectively.

Understanding the market value and projected growth of Neurology drugs, as well as the current economic cost of research and development, is the goal of this session. In addition to the increase in patients, there is still a sizable unmet demand in the management of several Neurological illnesses. Alzheimer's disease presents the biggest financial opportunity for pharmaceutical companies in Neurology due to its potential to be one of the most lucrative therapeutic areas later on in the Pharmaceutical industry. The loss of patent protection or market exclusivity for a significant number of therapeutic medications used to treat Neurological illnesses has opened up new research and business possibilities for rival pharmaceutical and medical device firms.

The glance at the market of Neuroscience:-

Demand for the neuroscience sector was valued at USD 24.09 billion in 2014, and it is expected to surpass USD 30.80 billion by 2022. The creation of many Neuro informatics solutions as a consequence of increased R&D spending and substantial government financing are the main drivers of market expansion. Designing and creating effective tools and algorithms that can improve the performance of structural and functional mapping is a part of Neuroinformatics. Over the following seven years, the neuroscience market is anticipated to develop at a CAGR of 2.8%.

The need for fresh developments in the Neurology field has grown as a result of the increasing prevalence of malignant conditions like Parkinsonism and Alzheimer's disease as well as other hereditary CNS disorders. Due to rising demand in labs and academic institutions, the market is anticipated to expand throughout the given time frame. The market wants to introduce cutting-edge technology that can provide insights into how the brain and complex Nervous system operate. Due to a growing desire for improved medications, it is projected that an annual increase in the total number of elderly people would greatly increase demand.

When the brain and spine's sensory system are impacted, a neurological condition results. Alcohol and drugs are the main risk factors that contribute to illnesses. Only four medications are available to treat Alzheimer's symptoms, and 99% of all therapies through clinical trials are never approved. A recent estimate projects that the neuroscience industry will reach USD 30.8 billion by 2020. The top countries in Europe for the sale of medications for Neurodisorders 2023 are Germany, the United States, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain. The market demand for neurological medications has increased due to the prevalence of neurological illnesses such epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and cerebrovascular diseases. Compared to US$18.3 billion in 2015, the European market is predicted to reach US$32.0 billion by the end of 2024.

Epilepsy had the most medicine sales at the World Neuroscience and Neurology Conference, followed by conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebrovascular disease, and others.

Target Audience:-


· Doctors

· Clinical organizations

· Neuroscience institutions

· Educational institutions

· Healthcare professionals

· Pharmaceutical companies and industries

· Business delegates

· Industrialist

· Young researchers and Students


Report Purpose

This report contains:

  • Analyzing the current state of medication research for neurodegenerative diseases
  • An overview of the worldwide market for the treatment of neurological illnesses that gives the sector definitions and a structure
  • explains the treatment markets for a variety of conditions, including some that are more uncommon but still treatable, such Alzheimer's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, muscular dystrophy, and others.
  • provides a thorough examination of patents and significant technical advancements
  • a review of governing body rules
  • outlines the most significant businesses in the sector today.



Benefits of Participation

Advantages of Participating at our conference:

  • As an add on advantage the Speaker & Abstract pages created in Google on your profile under your name would get worldwide visibility
  • Our robust online publicity attracts 20000+ users and 60000+ views to our Library of Abstracts which brings worldwide exposure to the researchers and speakers participate in our conferences
  • All the conference participants can earn up to 16-18 CME Credits by participating at our Neurodisorders Congress 2022 Conference scheduled as a Webinar.
  • To attain professional development we offer our participants a chance to earn up to 21 CPD Credits authorized by CPD Standards Office, UK by participating at our Neurodisorders 2022.
  •  All the conference participants will be awarded with IOCM Certification.
  •  All the conference participants will have an unique opportunity to participate at One on One Meeting with Eminent Speakers
  •  A Unique opportunity to hear what the global researchers are talking about at our Keynote sessions by world’s most eminent researchers in the field of  Neurodisorders Congress 2022
  • Top Industries Representation of Industrial Leaders, where you get a great opportunity to meet and discuss with the Industrial Leaders in person
  • Thought provoking Symposia’s
  •  Workshops on Carrier Development
  •  Preconference workshops in all major countries
  •  Nominations for Best Poster Award
  •  Outstanding Young Researcher Award
  •  Group Registration benefits

Benefits of Participation | Speaker

  • Explore the best in Cutting edge Research
  • Worldwide acknowledgment of Researcher’s profile
  • Obtain professional development credits
  • Your presence and talk will be recorded and hosted on YouTube and Video which in turn will gain potential value to your research profile.
  • Make Lasting connections at Networking and Social Events
  • We provide unique convergence of Networking, Learning and Fun into a single package
  • An opportunity to give One page advertisement in abstract book and flyers distribution which eventually gets 1 Million views and add great value to your research profile
  • Learn beyond your field of interest, a change to know more about the new topics and research apart from your core subject

Benefit of Participation | Sponsor

  • Worlds No1 Platform to show case  Neurodisorders Congress 2022 Products
  • Exposure to the international atmosphere will increase the odds of getting new business
  • Opportunity to showcase the new technology, new products of your company, and/or the service your industry to a broad international audience
  • Attain with an exceptional format in showcasing the products and services and to gain the potential clients for the future business prospects
  • Our Neurodisorders Congress 2022 Conference in the One and only location to reach the top customers
  • Make new connections and fostering potential partnerships
  • Increase your business by lead generation through our conference participants.
  • Build a successful business takes a lot of time, effort and drive, so it’s always good to have a network of colleagues and associates to draw energy from people who share a similar drive and objective.
  • Flip side of learning new things is relearning classic techniques. Neurodisorders Congress 2022 conferences create opportunities for greater focus and reflection that could help you take your business to the next level.
  • Benchmarking key strategies for business and moving it forward
  • Get answers to your business questions and challenges from credible individuals at our conference
  • Exposure and Networking Opportunity with the various top decision makers of the respective organizations, will eventually grow your business in Global market
  • Get to know more about your competitors are first-hand, learn more about their businesses, and discover their strengths and weaknesses, all of which can add to your business’s competitive edge.
  • Encounter new vendors and suppliers for your business
  • Real Benefits in New business - Many Organizations make deals and sign contracts at our Drug Discovery 2021.
  • We offer you the Website visibility to more than 35K visitors in less than 6 months
  • Promotional logo of your organization at our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material
  • Hosting session slots, poster awards, recognition in opening ceremony and complimentary registrations, exhibition/workshop booth, low-budget options.

Benefit of Association for Collaborators

    Create long-lasting relationships with the peers

  • Promotional content and Logo of your Association at our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material will increase your subscribers/Members number by 20 %.
  • Our Website visibility to your Organization page can give a great impact for your association in the Global Market.
  • Your representatives can network with key conference delegates to update their knowledge and understanding of your organization and services.
  •  Details will be added to the conference press release where the details will be shared to < 100000 outlets
  •  Details will be incorporated in all conference promotional materials which will be distributed to Hospitals, Universities, Society and Researchers

Benefits of Participation | Delegate

  • Helps to meet Experts & Influencers Face to Face.
  • Opportunities to meet researchers and experts of same field and share new ideas
  • Can help to know New Tips & Tactics
  • Professional Development – Elevate your knowledge and Skills
  • Conference attendance inspires, rejuvenates, and energizes delegates
  • Your participation at our conference will be helpful for a new approach and ideology that can be utilized for the extending the outcome of Companies or Industries.
  • Enjoy the alluring city environment where the conference is being held.
  • Raise your profile by being well-known


Why to attend?

Neurology meetings gives a worldwide stage to worldwide systems administration and trading most recent advancements in Diagnosis techniques and central and peripheral nervous system., offering chance to go to the introductions conveyed by eminent specialists from everywhere throughout the world. With individuals from around the globe concentrated on finding out about Nervous system and its advances this is your best chance to achieve the biggest collection of members from the Neurology group. Direct introductions, disseminate data, meet with present and potential researchers, make a sprinkle with new medication improvements, and get name acknowledgment at this 2-day event. Widely acclaimed speakers, the latest systems, advancements, and the most up to date refreshes in Infectious Diseases are signs of this gathering.


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date November 06-07, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by